Gold Orgaleaders

For us, LR has proven to be a lifetime opportunity. Beastarwithus is the ultimate support and development tool for partners,  members of the Beastarwithus team, in whichever country they are building their LR business. We gladly present you the results below.

Gold Organization Leaders


We were looking for a business activity without risk and a great perspective. In the Beastarwithus team we realized that success is not a matter of choice, but a matter of a decision you make.

Silver Orgaleaders


2016 was the year I discovered LR and realized that it is what I had been looking for for a long time.

After 15 years of entrepreneurship in the construction field in which we had no time for us and our three children, we felt that LR is the solution that comes with everything a family could want: freedom, time for family, financial stability, a healthy lifestyle, quality people, in other words… “More quality for your life”

Silver Orgaleaders

Military & Insurance Advisor

LR is for us the way we build our dreams. BeastarWithUs is the way we find the courage to dream our dreams, but especially the way we help awaken the dreams of people around us.

Silver Organization Leader

When I found out about LR, I fell in love with the company, the opportunities, and the bonuses that it provides. LR is a great platform to achieve goals and aspirations. Bestarwithus team has made it easier for us to reach our work goals.

Silver Orgaleaders

Civil Engineer & Bank Employee

For me, LR means access to an exclusive world, it means a lifestyle different from the usual one, which allows you to live as you have dreamed. The “Beastarwithus” group is the cornerstone of this unique business, which guides your every step and action. Thank you to everyone involved in achieving our goals!

Bronze Organization Leaders

Student / Mother of 7 children

LR for us, is a way of life. It is a never-ending journey. Beastarwithus is the powerful support system – a training tool for the development and success of every partner, who wants to evolve with LR and get whatever they want!

Silver Orgaleader

Petshop Owner

The reason I started with LR in 2012 was that I realized the perspective and opportunity without any risk through a proven business plan. Many thanks to BeastarWithUs for the excellent professional support over the years.

Bronze Organization Leaders

Mathematician & Gymnast – Sports psychologist

Our studies could give us the basics.

Our involvement in Network Marketing gave us the opportunity of a better quality of life for our family, but also the possibility of a future with even more options.

Bronze Orgaleader

Bakery Owner

I know very well what it means to change your life.

From a bakery owner to an executive in a large multinational company. LR today is the only solution of growth and perspective.

Organization Leaders

To us, LR Health & Beauty has been and is the chance to live everything we have been dreaming of and were willing to create. Beastarwithus is the compass all along the way. It is really important to know that you are creating your future without any risk, with the support of already successful people.

Bronze Orgaleader

Gymnast – Coach

I have been in the LR business for 14 years. I remain, because of the quality of the products, the income, and the lifestyle.

Bronze Orgaleader


With LR I discovered myself and what I didn’t know I could do!

Beastarwithus, with my mentors Zisis Achladas and Paraskevi Katsanaki, comes to complete my course in this company, giving me what I wanted to do all my life.

Bronze Organization Leader

Bronze Organization Leaders

Bronze Organization Leader

LR was for me one of the most pleasant surprises in my life.

I started my journey in this wonderful company without knowing many things, but gradually I really understood the power of this unique concept in Romania.

For me LR means primarily evolution, my evolution, my knowledge, my health, my well-being and of course financial evolution.

LR also means freedom for me, the freedom to be the master of my life and the way I dose my effort.

But the most important LR means people to me, thanks to this project I met wonderful people who became over time some of the closest people in my life, people with whom I evolve, live wonderful experiences and the most important thing I feel in – an authentic connection.

Bronze Organization Leader

LR for me means a fulfilled life with my whole family without financial worries, more time spent with my family and of course a better quality of my life, my family and the people I interact with.

It’s a huge gift of life because I do what I love so much and I can help other people who want to be successful.

LR stands for recognition, loyalty and support.

The dreams and goals I had started to come true thanks to the LR company.

LR MEANS MY SECOND FAMILY, it has brought me wonderful people with whom I have made friends and with them I want to continue this path of life, thank you!

Bronze Organization Leader

Organization Leaders


By bringing health, beauty and work to the world around me we have improved the quality of life for many people and ours and we enjoy a world of promising quality and FREEDOM!

Organization Leaders

Διευθυντής εστιατορίου & ιδιωτική υπάλληλος

Το 2011 ξεκινήσαμε με την LR, αναζητώντας την ευκαιρία να δημιουργήσουμε την δική μας επιχείρηση.

Η προοπτική της παράλληλης εργασίας και του ελεύθερου ωραρίου με βάση το σπίτι απέδωσε γρήγορα και το 2012 έγινε η κύρια απασχόληση μας. Το αποτέλεσμα ήρθε μέσα απο συστηματική δουλειά, υπομονή και συγκεκριμένους στόχους.

Μέσα απο την άρτια εκπαίδευση της Ακαδημίας του Beastarwithus δημιουργήθηκαν οι προϋποθέσεις ενός δυνατού επαναλαμβανόμενου εισοδήματος.

Η εμπειρία των στελεχών της ομάδας και η εγγύηση του Brand LR οδηγούν με ασφάλεια στην επιτυχία.

Organization Leader

Dancer / choreographer

LR has been from the very beginning an opportunity to create the conditions for the life I dreamed of. One just has to stay true to the process until it also happens for them as for so many other people!

Organization Leaders

For us, LR means:

1. Flexible working hours
2. Financial independence
3. Teamwork

Organization Leaders

Entrepreneur / Nurse

Being able to do what we want when we want is the motto that inspired us to start a business with LR.

Organization Leaders

Physiotherapist – Lawyer

The values of a successful company like LR Health&Beauty aligned with our values as people, and from there there was only one more step towards our success in this activity. Part of the name of our success is Beastarwithus, which over time has created and will improve tools through which ambitious people can fulfill their dreams. We are proud to be part of the team that gives us the chance to pass on the knowledge we have acquired so far so that we can finally apply the slogan that LR has had since we met the company 12 years ago, namely: More quality for your life!

Organization Leaders

Bank employee – Accounting officer

After twelve years of a journey with LR, we understood that it is probably the best opportunity today to change someone’s life!

It’s not about luck, it’s about planning and loving what you do.

Organization Leaders

For us, LR is an opportunity to have a better, healthier lifestyle and to achieve our dreams. BeAstarWithUS is the team that gives us all the motivation we need.

Organization Leaders

When we first met LR, we were fascinated by the products, but it wasn’t long before we realized that there was a great perspective behind them. A completely new and different world in which we found a place, in which dreams became reality.

Also here we discovered what the word TEAM means people who have the same vision, the same desire to change something in their lives. LR made us discover ourselves as human beings, to see the power and magic in our lives.  In addition to a healthy lifestyle, and an additional income, LR offered us the opportunity to be part of the BeAstarWithUS team, where along with our outstanding leaders and mentors, we invite you to join us!

For me, LR means passion, liberty, creativity, and the joy of being surrounded by people.

Organization Leader


In 2012 I started with LR buying the products for personal use. Subsequently and after the lapse of two years, I decided to deal with the career perspective offered by LR. To this day, and working intensively and purposefully, I enjoy the benefits that the company generously gives us.

Organization Leaders

Student / Civil employee – Driver

We started LR because of some products. Today for us it is the way to live our own dreams. Through Beastarwithus training this is only a matter of time.

Organization Leaders

LR represents a family of people who dream, who want to add quality to their lives and family, acting in this direction. BeAStarWithUs is the tool that helps you from the beginning to implement a strategy to achieve your goals. Moreover, BeAStarWithUs is a second family for many of us.

Organization Leaders

LR represents a lifestyle for us because we have gained the most valuable resource a person can have: ”TIME”
Beastarwithus is a wonderful team and we can only be grateful to be part of it. Together with LR and this community, our dreams become much easier to achieve.

With LR your dreams can come true.
Give success a name….yours!

Organization Leaders

LR pentru mine inseamna cel mai frumos mod de a-ti trai viata,un miracol descoperit destul de tarziu dar de care vreau sa ma bucur cat pot de mult .

LR imi da tot cee ace ma face fericita – sanatate pentru mine si familia mea,siguranta si suport.

Ce este grozav in LR si imi place nespus de mult este ca am intalnit oameni minunati pe care altfel nu as fi reusit sa ii cunosc,simt ca devin pe z ice trece o versiune mai buna a mea si ma bucur sa pot imparti acest lucru zi de zi cu sotul si copii mei.

In LR visele pot devein obiective,LR ne schimba stilul de viata ,modul de gandire si comportamentul.

In LR avem parte de cea mai frumoasa dezvoltare personala si pentru aceasta MULTUMIM !

Even the fact that many of us have been in the company for several years proves, first of all, SERIOUSNESS, INTEGRITY and that we are already a family.

For us, LR is an “upgrade” of our family’s lifestyle, in terms of HEALTH, CARE and personal development…

In our team, you are supported from all sides, from the one above to the newest arrival

When you start to get the idea and realize that it’s actually something simple, something we do, daily, without realizing it, namely recommendation.

What could be better?

To be able to help the world in terms of health, care or financially and be remunerated for it??

The conclusion is that LR only brings QUALITY to our lives and helps you see the world from a different perspective

Team Leader

Hotel employee & Bar Man

For me, LR is a lifetime opportunity.
Beastarwithus is the training team that supports me to make my dreams come true.

Team Leader


When I saw the idea of ​​LR what I kept in my mind was the future. Here someone can work to cover their daily needs and at the same time work with enjoying life and work.

Team Leaders

Secretary & Employee

Through LR’s fair and proven system, we discovered a powerful opportunity. A big thank you to Beastarwithus team, a source of inspiration for us.

Organization Leaders

LR for us means quality, opportunity, safety and at the same time is a dream that came true.

BeAstarWithUs is the path to success!

Organization Leaders

LR pentru mine inseamna cel mai frumos mod de a-ti trai viata,un miracol descoperit destul de tarziu dar de care vreau sa ma bucur cat pot de mult .

LR imi da tot cee ace ma face fericita – sanatate pentru mine si familia mea,siguranta si suport.

Ce este grozav in LR si imi place nespus de mult este ca am intalnit oameni minunati  pe care altfel nu as fi reusit sa ii cunosc,simt ca devin pe z ice trece o versiune mai buna a mea si ma bucur sa pot imparti acest lucru zi de zi cu sotul si copii mei.

In LR visele pot devein obiective,LR ne schimba stilul de viata ,modul de gandire si comportamentul.

In LR avem parte de cea mai frumoasa dezvoltare personala si pentru aceasta MULTUMIM !

Organization Leader

For me LR is the way to live my life now,a dream that became a reality,and last but not least a way to help others discover their best version. Thanks BeAstarWithUS, thank you LR!

Organization Leaders

Many of us go through moments when we feel that we are at the end of the road in terms of the mission we had and in terms of health problems.

During such a period, I met the LR Company, I clung to the products like a lifeline and I did well because the results did not take long to appear.

A little later, while I was regaining my health, I saw the opportunities that relaunched me to be again who I really was! The LR brought back my energy, enthusiasm, motivation and yes, I am in the place where I really find myself, with wonderful people, friends from the unknown, where I can still set great goals!

Organization Leader

I started working with LR at the age of 18 in January 2019. For me, LR means the opportunity to look into the future and build a quality life through premium products and a trusted collaboration based on strong values and principles. After this time in which I built my own business, I understood that all partners have equal chances of success, and with work and discipline, impressive results can be achieved.

I want to keep my long-term perspective and continue to grow personally and professionally at a steady pace with LR.

Team Leader


LR for me is a huge perspective that offers everyone a better quality of life. Beastarwithus, our team, is the tool that will help you build the result you desire.

Organization Leaders

Team Leader

Car mechanic

LR came to me at the best time, when I thought I would never work another job in my life. We are together today after 8 years for 3 reasons:

1. I am sure that LR training and Beastarwithus is the most important thing on this trip

2. LR is a professional activity that pays me for what I’m worth

3. I can do what I couldn’t do when I was a little kid (dream)

Team Leader

For me, LR is the place where I can offer people the opportunity to change their lives and together we can realize what each of us had once dreamed of!

Team Leaders

Hairdresser / Construction worker

At LR we loved the product and believed in the brilliant Marketing Plan. This is how we live our dreams and enjoy everything it has to offer. Beastarwithus gives us and our partners the motivation, support, and guidance to realize our goals.

Team Leader


To me, LR means freedom, family, and fun. It allows me to live the way I want best. There is a better quality of life recognition and appreciation for what I do. Through the process of LR, I am grateful to be able to help people improve their lives.

Junior Team Leader

Philologist – teacher

I used to think that the LR activity was not for me. Then I discovered that you don’t need to have talent but only to develop specific skills.

Junior Team Leader

Polo Driver

Customer service employee

LR Health & Beauty for me means excellent product quality and an excellent income opportunity. This is achieved by the free and continuous training offered by our BeAstarWithUs academy!

Junior Team Leader

For me LR represents a quality lifestyle.

Through LR I regained my health, self-confidence and the possibility to build a career. Although I had lost hope because of the depression I was dealing with, the Beastarwithus team showed me that there are still quality people out there who want to help people be healthy, live a luxurious lifestyle, and drive carefree. “More quality for your life” is respected from all points of view.

Team Leader

Make-Up Artist

Starting at LR Health and Beauty was the best career choice I’ve ever made.

Junior Team Leader

Starting with LR transformed my daily routine, since day one.  Beastarwithus team is the guide to this. 

Organization Leaders

For me, LR means an open door to a better life, financial independence (with fulfilled dreams), loans and debts paid. LR transformed me from an insecure woman into a strong one with my feet on the ground, and made me realize that my value is greater. It gave me confidence in the power of the products, regaining my health, enjoying life. It gives me confidence, that I can follow my path in an honorable and modest way, helping other people to be healthy and financially satisfied. LR, It means emotions with special moments that I experienced (the trip offered by LR in Greece, a car that I would not have dared to dream of before). LR showed me what it means to be benevolent, positive, honest, ambitious and determined. At the same time he taught me what commitment means and to be repaid. I am grateful to him for all this.

Junior Team Leader


We chose LR because anything is possible!

Junior Team Leader

Kiosk owner

At LR, success knows no boundaries. You define them. Beastarwithus is my support to keep moving forward.

Junior Team Leader

Junior Team Leader

For us, the collaboration with the LR Health & Beauty company meant much more than a simple additional income. I discovered the opportunity to meet new people and establish lasting professional and personal relationships. Throughout this time, we have had the satisfaction of working with talented and passionate people who share with us the same vision of providing quality products and improving the quality of life for their customers.

We had the opportunity to travel and attend company events, which helped us develop our sales skills and meet people to learn from.

LR Health & Beauty is more than a successful company, it is a family with strong values that we are proud to work with.

The story continues …

Junior Team Leader

LR for me represents the chance for a lifestyle that I always wanted, for financial freedom without limits, but also the possibility to be part of a united and persistent community that always tends towards development and adaptation.

Junior Managers – LR Polo Drivers

Driver & Employee

We started with LR because we saw a completely different world, something we didn’t know before. Along the way, we realized the dynamics of the work, and along with the perfect training system of our Academy, we saw that with LR we can build something that would be nearly impossible with a conventional job. Today we strongly recommend people to try it, build something of their own and be free.

Junior Team Leader

Craftswoman – Artist

I come from the construction industry and I thought that was what I would do all my life. But times are changing. Today, with the activity of LR and with the excellent educational system of Beastarwithus, I have discovered a new world of possibilities and perspectives for my life.

Junior Manager – LR Polo Driver


LR is the opportunity to create a better quality of life for me and my family, through the training of Beastarwithus.

Junior Manager

Entrepreneur – Nurse

LR came into our lives accidentally and reminded us of our childhood dreams! Beastarwithus is constantly training us to reach our goal faster.

Polo Driver

Hair-Salon owner

Junior Manager


The financial benefits that LR provides and the cooperation with Beastarwithus make me feel lucky to be part of this professional family.

Junior Manager – LR Polo Driver


The possibility of freedom that the professional activity with LR can offer was the motivation to start. I personally believe that Beastarwithus is the fuel for every partner’s evolution.

Junior Manager – LR Polo Driver

Nurse / Barista

I am proud to be with LR. Beastarwithus for me is a complete educational system made by successful LR partners. Without it, I wouldn’t be here today.

Junior Manager

Municipal employee

I started with LR because I knew right away that this was a huge opportunity for me to create the quality of life I dreamed of.
A huge help in this was the training system of Beastarwithus.

Polo Driver

Stainless steel constructions

We chose LR because here is a unique opportunity to change our lives with a well structured marketing plan, having the opportunity to have our own business wherever we are!!!!

Polo Driver


We initially joined LR because of some health products. But seeing the business plan through the training of Beastarwithus we continue for a more comfortable life together with our family.

Polo Driver

Professor/ Chemist

We started the LR process to increase our family income and the prospect of professional development to change our lives for the better.

Junior Manager – LR Polo Driver

I started in December 2013.
From the beginning, I saw the prospect of a better life with LR and that’s why I am remaining in the process all these years.

Polo Driver

Sales Executive

LR for me is the means for a guaranteed income and a better quality of life.
Our “Be a star with us” team is a source of inspiration, knowledge, and know-how.

Polo Driver

After Sales Manager / Employee

Guided by the seminars of our academy, we achieve continuous progress with guaranteed earnings. Through a daily enjoyable process!

Polo Driver


For me, LR is a very serious company where anyone can make their dreams come true as long as they want to. Beastarwithus is the group where he can learn things and have the support and guidance to move forward!

Junior Managers – LR Polo Drivers

Freelancer / Employee

Getting to know LR, we have found the joy of using the products, working with wonderful people and enjoying every moment of this journey.

Polo Driver

LR offers me free time, with great potential for a prospective career. I am in a friendly environment that fills me up. All for one and one for all.

Polo Driver


Working with LR and the team at Bestarwithus never before in my life did I imagine that there could be a profession that makes you feel great!